Launching a Response to Lebanon Crisis
Since early October 2024, Israeli airstrikes and ground operations in Lebanon have intensified and expanded, hitting civilian infrastructure, leading over 689,715 persons people to be displaced according to the IOM. 2,169 people have been killed and 10,212 injured since 8 October 2023, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health.
The displacement crisis is overwhelming Lebanon’s capacity to shelter and support affected populations. 186,400 people are seeking refuge in 1,023 collective shelters, 86% of them are already at full capacity (882 shelters). Shelters are overcrowded and lack basic necessities. UNICEF reports approximately 350,000 children have been displaced by the conflict.
In addition to Lebanese citizens, many Syrian refugees who had previously sought refuge in Lebanon are once again displaced, facing renewed insecurity. Syrian refugees are faced with the agonizing decision of whether to remain in conflict-stricken Lebanon or return to war-torn Syria, where infrastructure and basic services are still crippled. Over 185,000 people have fled to Syria, primarily through the Masnaa Border Crossing which has also been the target of Israeli airstrikes.
According to OCHA, as of 28 September 2024, 25 water facilities are reported damaged impacting nearly 300,000 people, and 37 health facilities are closed across the country, raising the risk of infectious disease spread.
Displacement now surpasses the 2006 war. Host communities, already suffering from economic crises, are unable to adequately support the influx of displaced persons.
Amburlance targetted by Israeli airstrike in Hebbariyeh village. Copyright: UNDP 2024
Critical Needs Identified by SARD/WASL Needs Assessment in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate
In the villages of Deir Al-Ahmar, Chlifa, and Bechouat in the Baalbek-Hermel Governerate, a WASL needs assessment identified 4,236 displaced persons, many of whom are living in schools, churches, and private homes that are ill-equipped to meet basic humanitarian standards. A significant proportion of these displaced individuals are women-headed households and children, who are especially vulnerable during the winter months. These numbers highlight the severity of the situation in Baalbek-Hermel, where the existing shelter infrastructure and local resources are inadequate to cope with the scale of displacement and the specific vulnerabilities of the population.
·Deir Al-Ahmar Schools and Houses: Over 2,750 people, including children under the age of 5 and elderly individuals, are housed in these locations with inadequate shelter materials and winterization supplies. Only basic items, such as blankets and mattresses, are available to a limited portion of the population.
·Chlifa and Bechouat: In these areas, more than 1,350 people are housed in schools and makeshift shelters, but the host community is overwhelmed and unable to provide further assistance. This is particularly concerning as winter approaches, with displaced persons lacking adequate protection from the elements.
70% of the displaced are women, and 2, 249 IDPs are children under 18 years old.
Immediate needs include NFI (blankets, pillows, mattresses and kitchen sets), winterization items, and critical food assistance, especially those without cooking facilities. Urgent need for hygiene kits and emergency medicine, as well as weather proofing items for those newly displaced to collective shelters.
Displaced families shelter in the Lebanese National Theater, 2024
Critical Needs Identified by Tiro Association of Arts in Beirut, Tyre, and Tripoli
The Tiro Association of Arts has transformed the Lebanese National Theater in Tyre, Tripoli, and Beirut into centers for sheltering displaced persons, whose number reached more than 102 displaced persons:
• 50 displaced persons in Tripoli Theater.
• 40 displaced persons in Beirut Theater.
• 12 displaced persons in Tyre Theater.
Immediate needs include NFI (blankets, pillows, mattresses and kitchen sets), winterization items, and critical food assistance. Urgent need for hygiene kits and emergency medicine. Psychosocial support for children and youth.
As winter approaches, SARD is launching an initial emergency response in Lebanon to provide mattresses, blankets, hygiene kits, food baskets, and medicine to displaced families with local partners.