Resilience Building
We provide multi-purpose assistance and enhance income-generating capacity through a protection lens, meeting the needs of the most vulnerable households. This includes multi-month multipurpose cash assistance, shelter rehabilitations, and critical livelihood training and support.
Multipurpose Cash Assistance
Cash empowers people to make decisions based on their individual situations in a dignified manner. People spend the money in local markets, stimulating economic life in local communities. It is also more cost-effective for humanitarian NGOs which means we can serve more people.
Shelter Solutions
Shelter Upgrades and Rehabilitations mitigate safety and protection risks, ensured shelters protect from harsh weather conditions, and provide adequate privacy.
Our empowering livelihood and vocational training projects mean that families can afford their basic necessities and attain self-reliance. Participants can acquire relevant skills and expertise that are in demand in the labor market or open a business that meets a need in their community.