Our Accountability
At SARD, we are accountable to the communities we work in. One of the essential ways we do that is through our robust Complaint and Response Mechanism (CRM). We identified CRM channels through a participatory approach in the areas SARD operates. SARD offers multiple channels for targeted users to share feedback or raise complaints. The variety of channels provides a variety of groups (IDPs, returnees, women, elderly, men, people with disability, those without access to a phone, and illiterate individuals) the ability to share positive feedback, requests for assistance, and complaints to SARD.
Our Complaint Response Mechanism
We have dedicated desks in our field offices in Türkiye and northwest Syria, a WhatsApp number, regular field visits, and complaint boxes in advertised areas. The feedback and complaints we receive are classified according to category and sensitivity level. Positive feedback, suggestions, requests for information, or minor complaints (such as beneficiary selection issues) fall under the categories 0 to 3 and are considered non-sensitive. Categories 4 and 5 complaints are considered sensitive, such as Breach of Code of Conduct, Corruption, Sexual Exploitation, and Abuse/ Child Protection, and are investigated and addressed immediately.
Our CRM team is dedicated to advertising SARD's CRM in the communities we serve, promptly documenting and responding to feedback and complaints, and analysing CRM data produced in monthly CRM reports.
Do you have feedback, a suggestion, or a complaint?