Yasmine’s New Beginning at the IACC

Our Interim Alternative Care Center in Azaz, northwest Syria, is a one-of-a-kind emergency shelter for unaccompanied and separated children. Today, we want to give you a glimpse into the story of 12-year-old Yasmine.

Yasmine and her three siblings were brought to the center after their father passed away. Yasmine and her siblings had experienced a bitter divorce, a death of a beloved parent, and abuse from caregivers. Yasmine, despite her young age, was a fierce protector of her siblings. She was determined to find them a better life.

It took time for Yasmine to let her guard down, step out of the role of caring for her siblings, and allow herself to simply be a child.

Our Psychosocial Support Team Leader told us, “Yasmine came to us afraid and sad, holding her little sister. The center's staff began to care for them gently, using psychological support sessions to improve their emotional and psychological health while also making them feel protected and cared for. Yasmine soon began to smile again, Yasmine began to play games with other children, and as the days turned into weeks and finally months, she began to feel a sense of belonging inside IACC.”

Every day, our dedicated team offers the children at the IACC comprehensive case management services and support, including: 

  • A nurturing home with dedicated caregivers who provide care, structure, and stability. 

  • Accelerated learning support enrollment to help them catch up on their education. 

  • Psychosocial support services to address trauma and emotional needs. 

  • Arrange health services to ensure their physical well-being. 

  • Facilitate family reunification or kinship care so every child has a loving and supportive family. 

Yasmine and her siblings are attending school, enjoying pyschosocial activities with other children at our local Child Friendly Center, and getting much needed individual care and attention as we navigate what their future will look like. As with all our children, we want them to leave the center belonging to a safe and loving family.

Thank you for supporting children like Yasmine and her three siblings at the IACC. Your generosity makes our work possible, and we couldn’t do it without the unwavering support of our donors and advocates. You can learn more here.


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